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Claim Documents
Contingency Fee Agreement
This is an agreement between you and our company. It spells out the terms and scope of our claim recovery service. It also defines how we work on a Contingency-Fee basis which simply means we never charge you anything up front and we only take a fee if and when we are successful.
Assignment of Interest in Sale Excess Proceeds
The government agency & Trustees both require authorization for us to work on your behalf to claim your overage funds and this document accomplishes that.
Letter of Direction
This letter defines who the parties are and directs the government agency on how to process the claim and disburse the funds. This helps avoid mistakes that can slow down the processing of your claim.
Affidavit of Heirship (only for heirs of the deceased)
This is a sworn statement used to establish ownership of property when the original owner dies intestate (without a Will).
This is a brief explanation of each document we use in the claim process and its purpose. If you have any questions or concerns about these documents or the claim process itself, please contact us at (800) 421-4040.
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